All materials are weighed and priced per metric tonne. (Minimum charge is $50/load)
Payment is due within 30 days.
Prices are subject to change, all applicable taxes, and availability.
Loading is available by appointment only from Jan - May 1.
For pricing or inquiries about products not listed call 519-828-3210 or email Info@herringtonexcavating.ca

Screened Topsoil
A blend of topsoil, sand, and compost. Good for using in flower beds, establishing lawns, and leveling ruts and tire tracks.

Non-Screened Topsoil
Natural Topsoil, Unscreened. May have organic matter, clay, or stones in it. Used for rough grading.

2" Screened 'B' Gravel
2" minus round stone/sand mix. Used as a base material for concrete slabs, roads, laneways, and parking lots.

1/2" Bedding Sand
1/2" or smaller sand/gravel mix. binds and compacts well to make a solid surface.

Raised Bed Sand
Finely screened sand material, used primarily for septic purposes.

Screened Sandfill
Fine sand without any clay or large stones. used mainly for backfilling.

Dirty Sandfill
Unscreened sand, may have some clay or stones in it. used mainly for backfilling.

3/4" Crushed Stone
Clean stone, is used under and behind retaining walls, on laneways, under and behind armor stone, and in landscaping.

Chips & Dust
Fine dust to 1/8"-1/4" stone chips.
Great for placing pavers, interlocking, or stone. also levels easy and provides drainage to prevent lifting.
Carlow 'A' Gravel

A mix of sand and stones under an inch in size. Used mainly to create a hard top layer on laneways.

Oversized Stone
"Potato Stone" Large unwashed stone usually 4"- 6" in size. Used most often in landscaping.

Unscreened clay, generally dug straight out of the ground. Used most often to build up low areas.